[SOLVED] NVMe SSD Support for my Motherboard

Oct 26, 2019
Hi, I have a notebook which has HM87 Motherboard and i7 4720HQ processor. In addition to that, I have 2 M2 ports, which one of them supports ONLY SATA mode whereas, the other one is capable of both SATA and PCIe.

When I check them with HWinfo software, I noticed that the one with PCIe support is PCI 2.0 x4, which theoretically should be supported up to 4 x 500MB/s = 2000MB/s read and write speed.

I'm planning to purchase the SSD given below, but I am confused on whether it will be supported as I would expect (+500MB/s) and be used as Boot Drive (Windows Installed)
  • SSD Corsair MP510 480GB
So, it will support NVMe SSD with Windows Boot Capability or should I purchasing PCIe SSDs

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
That drive is compatible. In this context, NVMe and PCIe are mostly interchangeable.

It will work, but not at its full speed.
Bootable? Unknown. That system is right on the cusp of a definite Yes or No. I'd lean to yes, but I'd want to see evidence of someone else who has actually done it.
That drive is compatible. In this context, NVMe and PCIe are mostly interchangeable.

It will work, but not at its full speed.
Bootable? Unknown. That system is right on the cusp of a definite Yes or No. I'd lean to yes, but I'd want to see evidence of someone else who has actually done it.
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Reactions: VampireLestat
As this question already been answered and I assume @VampireLestat is satisfied with the answer he received I would appreciate to ask a question myself in the same subject rather then create a new thread about the same subject.

I currently have an Asus Prime B350-Plus with one m.2 slot running a Force MP510 480Gb where I have my OS installed. A couple of weeks ago I bought a M.2 SSD to PCIe adapter card and a Kingston A2000 1Gb for my second PCIE x16 3.0 slot on my mobo. Everything works fine and I´m happy to get some more memory management with my new m.2 ssd.

However when I run Crystaldiskinfo 8.3.1 it says I´m running the new m.2 Kingston A2000 1Gb at PCIe 2.0 x4 (in the x16 slot) but 3.0 x4 is supported. I wounder if this affect hard-drive speeds in reality or is it nothing to worry about?

mobo: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/...54.1551581042.1572091565-808860694.1570546982

Adapter: http://www.akasa.com.tw/search.php?seed=AK-PCCM2P-01

hard-drive 1 running @ PCIe 3.0 in m.2 on mobo: https://www.corsair.com/eu/en/Categ...eries-MP510/p/CSSD-F480GBMP510#tab-tech-specs

hard-drive 2 running @ PCIe 2.0 in adapter: https://www.kingston.com/en/ssd/a2000-nvme-pcie-ssd#specifications

Best regards,
Thank you for your fast answer, it seems like I misunderstood the motherboard specifications when I thought I would be able to run the adapter at PCIe 3.0 in the second x16 slot. However I´m still very satisfied and moving files between the two disks is still really fast.

If I understood the PCIe standards correctly the different versions are as following:

PCIe version 2.0 x4: 2.00 GB/s
PCIe version 3.0 x4: 3.94 GB/s

With the Kingston A2000 1TB Sequential Read/Write speeds are – up to 2,200/2,000MB/s, this would mean I´m currently bottle necked by 200MB/s in read speed and not bottle neck in write speed as version 2.0 supports this?

Best regards,
That 200MB/s difference is totally inconsequential.

Thank you for educational help on this topic and for confirming this info. As a new member of Tom´s Hardware I´d also would like to point out how great the interface is in the forum and how easy it is to find subjects and get answers.

Have a nice day.