NvOAWrapperCache.exe having issues...


Mar 27, 2015
Here is a image of the error -> http://i.imgur.com/C0wj1dd.png <-

I keep getting this pop-up every time my computer starts up recently. I have a Windows 7 64bit computer, my graphics card is a Nvidia GTX 650. I've google'd this issue and found few people threads about it, none with an answer.

I don't believe this is a virus. I have ran Malwarebytes, Avast (Full Scans and Boot Time), Adwcleaner, JRT, and Combofix to no avail. I have also tried un-installing and re-installing the driver for it.

Help :c
Hers is a workaround that helped this poster with the same issue but it may or may not work for you. Unless others can offer a better solution this may be worth a try. See post 12 here for what worked for him.

Hers is a workaround that helped this poster with the same issue but it may or may not work for you. Unless others can offer a better solution this may be worth a try. See post 12 here for what worked for him.
