Question NY Times: Texas town hack attack


Eventually what's going to happen is either:
1) There is going to be a digital pearl harbor from China, N Korea, or Russia. It will make Dec 7th look like a picnic as the entire USA blacks out and transformers burn out with no replacements available for months. We are far more dependent on electricity and net access than them.

2) Some hacking group will piss off the government enough that everything critical will be on a net isolated system (the way it used to be in the 80s) Outside connections will be 100% impossible as they are airgapped. Data transfer between these systems will be via optical disc or magnetic media that contains no circuitry (No USB exploits, or attacks via services over TCP-IP/UDP/NetBios/IMCP etc...)
Honestly did not notice per se.

Seems I have developed a bad habit of ignoring such enticements.

Not even willing to click the link to see what happens anymore.

Been led down too many chained links to get to what ends up being "blah blah blah".

I guess I am "link blind" now. (Trademark pending -:)

Will be more careful. Thanks.
And, just as an additional point, when given as external links such as this one, you (any you) should be granted access to 5 articles per month on the NYT. If you go over that the paywall comes up.

I do not believe the following violates forum rules, but if it does, please redact just this paragraph. I am also able to get into the NYT and many newspapers if I use Private Browsing Mode and exit once "my article limit" is reached, then start that mode again.
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