Nzxt case fan hub problem


Dec 10, 2016
I have read all the threads I can find but cannot find a solution to my problem. So I am here seeking for your help.

I have the nzxt h440 case and I want to control or see the rpm of my 4 fans that comes with the case.

I plugged the 3 pins molex to the PSU and it seems I do not have control over the fans as they seem to run 100% all the time. When I unplugged the molex power and plug the WMP to my mobo(z170 M5), nothing works.

I want to be able to see my case fans under the mobo or fan softwares and have complete control. Is there something that I missed or due to the design of the case, I cannot achieve such things. Please help.

10 pro. Like I say though, OS shouldn't affect the BIOS - you dont even need an OS to control fans in your BIOS - and would only interfere when booted.

I tried that as well but it doesn't show rpm in bios
Lol I agree, but its hard to say why it doesn't work. Are you using the stock case fans? Do you have any additional fans plugged into the fan hub? Are you definitely attaching the 4 pin output to the board? Maybe you have a defective fan controller. Am happy to try to help, but there doesn't seem to be any easy answer!

Yes. The case came pre assembled with fans and hub. I have 3 wires out the hub. The pwm, extension, and 3 pins molex. When i plugged the cpu fan to the extension cable, it picks up fine in bios. Just that it doesn't control the 4 case fans. I tried plug the hub in cpufan1 and cpu cooler to cpufan2 and cpufan2 picks up fine but not cpufan1. So im guessing the hub fans might not be controlled?

You should be able to control the fan hub (case) fans from cpu_fan1 or 2. There is also an extension from the fan hub, but I dont have that connected. The lead just sits at the back of the case. Are you sure you havent connected that to the motherboard fan header by mistake?

Correct, the extension is a male i believe. It wouldn't fit. I only have the PWM cable to the CPUfan2 header on the mobo.

I read a post where the guy has an ASUS mobo and the default is DC so he changed that to PWM and it worked. In my case, I don't see that option anywhere in the MSI Z170 M5 🙁

That's because it's a "smart fan" header and automatically distinguishes between voltage and pulse width fans, provided you don't try to connect both types to the same header simultaneously. It really is a mystery why it doesn't work. Do you have any fan control software installed that may be interfering with the reading?

I might...but that shouldn't be an issue when im in the bios though right? I have MSI afterburn, speedfan, cpu-z, some MSI apps which doesn't read the case fan in windows but does read cpu fan. Maybe there's a setting in the bios that I don't know that could cause the problem? Or maybe reset the bios?
I never changed any BIOS settings related to fan control, but I do know Command Center interfered with fan control in general. As far as BIOS is concerned no it shouldn't matter but I am at a loss as to any other explanation. Maybe resetting the BIOS would work, but it is a mystery!

Are you using windows 7 or windows 10? I'm thinking of going back to windows 7
I have the z170 motherboard and the noctis 450 case. I have the same issue but if you go into the bios you can still change the fan speeds using the fan curve in the bios even though it shows 0 rpm and it works that way.