Very nice response to Phanteks Enthoo / Luxe cases incorporating many of the same features. Both have ...
-Adjustable rear fan mount
-Hidden PSU Compartment
-Max 30 watts on the Fan PCB-LED Switch
-Cable Routing Options
-Window hides HD bays
-SSD Mounting options
-Both even left out the rubber fan frame isolators on the case fans but identical retail fan has em.
I think the design could have accommodated a removable 5.25 cage....seems "the option" of going either way would make it more appealing.
I used USB to install my OS but it is a pain keeping three USBs around cause all wanna start off root, (one for memtest, one for OS ISO, one for BIOS upgrades. I also provide DVDs with all current drivers, benchmarks, utilities on it as a fall back for the user when I do a build.
I like USB's for data that changes .... prefer opticals for stuff that doesn't change ... and the fact that I can print labels makes managing 12 machines here at home / office rather easy..... would have hard time keeping track of all those USBs.
Opticals are also much cheaper and easier to manage for record documents for those who consult or work from home. Every time I design a building or other project, record copies must be filed w/ regulatory agencies. But even for those that shun opticals, they also cut out much of the enthusiast crowd with no place to mount a fan controller, OC Panels, Water Cooling Controller (Aquero 5/6) or temperature displays.
It does seem odd that the fan PCB thingie doesn't provide speed control like the Phanteks one does .... or that the PSU has no vibration isolation. The Phanteks one takes a MoBo Fan Header lead (PWM or Variable voltage) and lets you control up to 11 fans via the BIOS settings or software. I have to wonder if this might have been a feature that was missed because of the lack of documentation.
So hats off to NZXT .... great to see these features being incorporated by other manufacturers. I'd still choose an Enthoo Primo or a Luxe with the main reasons being, 1) The fan control PCB on the Phanteks, 2) a few features the 440 doesn't have (i.e. vibration isolated pump mount) and 3) even if I chose not to build with an optical, I don't like the permanence of being denied that decision if I changed my mind and 4) no place to mount controllers, OC Panels, LCDs or temp displays. An optional "bolt in" 5.25 bay, even as a purchase option, would remove that concerns.
I have had 4 portables .... found them not to be very durable or convenient w/ 12 boxes in the house. The SCSI one (cartridge 6-pak) from the mid 90s still works

. You can get away without opticals, you can get away without USB sticks.... however, whichever option works for you, I don't see why removing the choice is necessary....especially when ya not just taking away opticals but the above mentioned items also.
EDIT: All my formatting / paragraph breaks were removed on original post, edited to fix