[SOLVED] NZXT H500 - how to install intake fans?


Jan 8, 2015
I purchased two Aer F120s from NZXT since I have no intake right now. I left the stock fans on the top and rear as came with the case for my build. I might not even have an issue with temps but just saying I don't have intakes sounds really bad and makes me feel like it's an issue...

The case has a panel mounted with thumbscrews. I thought the fans went between this panel and the front solid piece of the case. I was told they go on the other side of this panel... I am also unsure how these are even mounted? This panel has holes for 140mm and 120mm fans but how exactly are the fans mounted on this piece that comes out of the case?

I guess you just screw in on the opposite side of the panel from the fans? I have all the screws from the case and the instructions do indicate which ones go to fans... I guess I'm just not visualizing it.
The bracket that holds the intake fans comes off so you mount the fans on the inside (toward the back of the case) and use the screws in the front of the bracket to mount them.

Is it an issue I chose 120mms? I will now have 2 120mm intaking in front, 1 120mm outtake on the top and another 120mm outtake in the back. Cooler is be quiet! Shadow Rock TF2, RTX 2070 GPU and a Corsair CX650M 80+ Bronze Cert 650W PSU.

120mm is fine, it's what I'm using for intake.

If your doing a AIO you might be able to put the bracket between the fans and the radiator or even do a 4 fan push/pull setup.

Sorry but not quite sure what you mean? Excuse my ignorance. Would it be okay that the space between the edge of the fan on the inside of the case would be pretty close to backing into the longest extent of the RTX 2070's edge? It's a really compact case and I feel it's a pretty tight build.. I didn't even attempt to get my RTX 2070 in the PCIE2 x16 slot because the Shadow Rock TF2 cooler's fin stack is so large and protruding that it looked like the GPU couldn't mount there. It's currently in PCIE4 x8 slot... may try to get it in the first slot after I get these 2 new intakes installed. Issue will be the top of the exposed GPU will be probably .5 inch from the bottom of the fin stack blades from cooler.
This is going to sound REALLY dumb, but the NZXT Aer F120s I bought have the colored logo of NZXT on the outside of the fan and a greyish logo on the inside. My back and top fans outtaking air from the case have the colored NZXT logo facing out of the case. This means the blades are concave within the case and downward looking on top of it and in the back of the case.

My two front intakes should be concave inward too right, so that the blades dip pointing to the outward of the front of the case?
I bought two 120mm NZXT Aer F120s - these should be the same as the stock two fans in the case I got - NZXT H500. I do not believe I will need to insert these in the PSU, unless my ASRock Z390 Extreme4 motherboard does not have enough fan inserts... I am not sure what the connection is on these fans but I think they go straight into the motherboard.

The problem is going to be cable management once I get that panel with the two intakes in.. I actually didn't put the panel back in after finishing the build. The Corsair CX650M PSU cable is a thick cord that is hard to get out of the way and that's right where the fan panel needs to go... I also plan to remount the GPU in the first x16 slot as I think I have the room...