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May 8, 2014
I just wanted to know if my motherboard the MSI FM2-A55M-E35 uATX Motherboard will be compatible with a gtx 650 Ti, Thanks (Sorry for the noobness)


This will give you some upgrade headroom (there's a 450W version but it actually costs more). It's never a good idea to cheap out on the PSU, this one is fairly...

What would I be looking for after I open it up and look at the label?

Well that's not too specific...

Does it have a cable like this?

That's what you need to have in order to run a GTX 650Ti.

Does it have one of those 6-pin PCIe plugs? I can't find any accurate info on the connectors

I dont think so, but could you find me a cheap alternative that would work with the gtx 650 ti?



This will give you some upgrade headroom (there's a 450W version but it actually costs more). It's never a good idea to cheap out on the PSU, this one is fairly cheap and it's made by Seasonic (= one of the best). Don't go for the Corsair CX series either, they're cheaper but the build quality is actually pretty bad.

Thank you very much you were very helpful, :)

If you want a cheaper alternative you could get a Corsair CX430 for $20. They come with 5 year warranties. I've been using mine to power a GTX 660 for over 4 years without problem. They are very reliable for their price.

They have a high failure rate (bad capacitors) so I wouldn't recommend it. You may have gotten lucky with yours but that may not be the case for everyone.