Obama and gun control


Jan 19, 2012
Barrack Obama has done hardly anything restrict gun control in the United States, yet people continue to think he will stop at nothing to take away their guns, this article pretty much summarizes the train of thought most of them are following.

Because it doesn't mention the ban on military brass being shredded.. which that ban lasted two weaks because it had enough people against it. Or the fact that he mentioned he would like to bring back the Clinton-Era Assault rifle ban.

Wow man.. you'll believe anything someone else writes after the argument. You're more reactive in politics. Watch him speak, listen to him on specific subjects. He'll say something and in a week or two the Spin will kick in if it doesn't go well.

Anyone can search the internet all day and find some opinion column that supports their thought. Problem is you Leftists never pay attention to the facts.

You say that I never pay attention to the facts and then you use a comment he made about wanting to bring back an Assault rifle bans as evidence, right.... that's a little hypocritical don't you think? Then you take the fact that brass being shredded is not longer in effect and you are left with the fact that there is nothing he is doing to currently restrict guns in the nation. Who is the one who pays attention to the facts here? I know it isn't you.
Fact: Obama said he wants to bring back the assault weapons ban.
Fact: Obama campaigns for president on saying things he wants to accomplish and people vote based on that.
Fact: He did issue, I think it may have been a Presidential Directive, to shred all brass less than .50 cal before selling it to the private market. After about two weeks the directitve was removed and part of the answer was from public outcry over high cost of ammo, potential of closing businesses that relied on the brass, and because it may hurt and/or distance himself from the public voters.

Fact: As of this moment, there are no stricter gun laws now than there was during the Bush administration. He tried a couple things in relation to gun control but like both of you said, he repealed them when he realized they were causing more harm then good.

Fact: Conservatives make their own facts and then get upset when faced with the real ones, this is highlighted by your previous statement riser.


Actually I wanted to highlight gun control measures passed by Obama, which is nothing. I figured the thread about operation fast and furious was done once it was said that there was no evidence that Obama and Holder knew anything about the operation. You however could care less about evidence and want to continue talking about it based on your own speculations, which count for nothing. The only fail here is your failure to comprehend reason and logic.

I don't ignore it, its not like I said that this never happened, it was a failed tactic that blew up in their faces. To believe that Obama knows every little detail about what the BATFE is doing is just naive. Holder "might" of been aware of the operation in the end by name only but I doubt he knew the details, that is how bureaucracies work, delegation of duties. If assault rifles going across the border is such a huge deal, then why don't we ban them? At the very least lets pass some laws to make multiple purchases of assault rifles reportable to the government.

In fact the government giving guns to the cartels has been going on long before operation fast and furious.



And Appointing judges who have ruled in favor of gun-control legislation to Supreme Court justices? They're supposed to be judges which exceptional character who have not made those decisions in the circuit courts.
Isnt it funny how the left needs to have a bad guy in order to make their point?
Like the saying says, guns dont kill people, people kill people, with or without guns.

Anyone not seeing this as another Iran-Contra deal is kidding themselves, as Im sure we could also be making deals with other arms dealers, regarding the guns theyd be selling to the Mexican drug cartels as well, tho of course, that wouldnt be prudent in regards to the Obama admins agenda

There it is, the government conspiracy to limit freedoms of the American people, its like your a prophet of GB. I can agree to the reasonable argument that this was wrong and the people involved should be investigated and held accountable, but the second you start spiting out those conspiracy theories about the government taking away our freedoms you lose all your credibility. I wonder if you were in favor of the patriot act?

So your saying, its not the BATFA's fault at all and they did nothing wrong, correct?


Well at least we agree on the Patriot Act.

The purpose of the operation was to map the flow of weapons, much like they map the flow of money within a drug ring. It failed and blew up in their faces though, so now they are going to have to deal with the consequences. As far as the government secretly out to get our 2nd amendment, I refer you to our discussion in the church vs state tread about paranoid conspiracy theories.

If you really think that they let some weapons go across the border so that they could use that as an excuse to change the constitution, I fell bad for you.
I love the Democrat's statement in Congress that something like 97% of all traceable guns were from the US. That's because we're one of the only countries that actually trace them. :)