Obama Has A Number to shoot for

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Investing in the future, including new energy sources, green energy/products is a good idea, but it shouldnt effect the current usage or abilities we have today
Its seems like a child wanting it now, not caring id school keeps or not, instead of seeing the larger picture.

Im sure this has alot to do with certain accords followed treligiously, where the US either didnt sign/agree to at the time, and so called leadership of such directions, where attention on such things are or seem, to be more important than the right way to go about it
You are correct, Badge. I sometime use a local McDonalds. It just happens to be Hispanic. Most of the employees are young people, very courteous and making just above min. wage. They are learning the value of work, respect for management and the value it offers their lives . BTW, some of those people aspire to be a supervisor, manager, owner.
I always say "Thank you sir/M'am". It enhances people.
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