Obamas buddy

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General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt announced plans to move its X-ray factory from New York to China. He's Barack Obama's adviser on U.S. job creation. Last year He advised the president to encourage the unemployed to move to China so they can work for General Electric.

Yeah ... we need to tax these corporations a lot more ... but you whiney conservatives don't want that ...

They will continue to outsource labour from the US while living there and bleeding you dry.

Your kinda stuck eh?

Bummer ...

Yep, not sure what jaydeejohn wants to hear from us. We are opposed to tax breaks for corporations and he already knew that.
Tarrifs and decent taxation to allow govt there to get into surplus.

You need to protect your manufacturing.

We have a problem here with the Port Kembla blast furnace and BHP Bluescope at present ... tarrifs would fix that.

The free market economy favours those with ready willing and able slaves ... our humanity won't allow that.


Liberal plan b dogman:

1) Tax the bastard Corporations who outsource to china, ect...

2) Tell them to stay in the US of they want to be a US company and receive benefits.

3) Tell them they will get a tax break for bringing ALL jobs back to the US.

4) Profit for the American people.

Business friendly and having a population willing to work for pennies are two different things. How can we get business (Esp manufacturing) to stay when Americans, and most industrialized nations wont work for less than 10$ an hour? Also we have business standards and workplace standards(OSHA) that let people use the bathroom more than once in their 14 hour shift.
See GEs corporate taxes vs everyone else
Obama goes on and on about other businesses getting cuts, or tax breaks, tax breaks thatll be turned into higher costs for gas, yet has only cut GEs taxes moreso
Hes their buddy, theyre his buddy, this is what libs do, they choose who, and the hell with the rest?

Sending jobs to China? To directly compete against US businesses?
Then giving one tax break after another?
Good ol boys club?
The libs dont do big bidness?
They want to keep jobs here?
Theyre concerned about low wages, no unions?

Then dont vote for Obama
Here, the use of the word liberal was somewhat started by a former communist, who stated that no one here would ever vote for a communist president, tho he tried 4 times?, so he said itd be better to be known as liberals, since the current Dem party was receptive to larger government, and thus the term liberal has spread to socialist/communist/democrat, tho, some dems are NOT that "liberal"
This must be one of those 'Shovel ready' Projects I heard so much about a couple years ago ...Everyone got their Shovel Ready ? I know mine is ...
I first ran accross this 18 years ago at a wedding I was in, where some Germans who spoke nice english and I had gotten into exchanging how things are in our respective countries.
We all quickly learned things were topsy turvy in our terms, and proceeded slowly after this fact was known, to allow the full understanding of what was being said
The White House announced Friday that Obama will make an official state trip to Australia in November. He would like to re-establish strong ties to the traditional American ally. Obama greatly angered Australians on the first day of his presidency when he had Crocodile Dundee's bust removed from the Oval Office along with Winston Churchill's.
Id heard on the blazing fox that Obama said the Ossies cant handle the truth
He later blamed it all on Bush, where he showed photos of Ossies, and how Bush's previous admin had had their effect
Just remember we saved your asses in WW I, II, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afganistan boys ...

/barefaced lie

Since the yanks have never doublecrossed us your pretty safe at the moment.

/thinly vieled threat.

The Brits sent our Aussie soldiers and Kiwi mates into the slaughter with the battle of Gallipoli and covered the secret up for 75 years ... so we won't be backing any of their cockups in the future.

/puts picture of the queen facing the wall ... after painting a moustache on her.

We have about 100,000 troups in the field ... all of them trained to fight crocodiles barehanded ... even to cooks can kick Steven Seagull's butt ... though likely poison the unwary quite easily in the kitchen.

/quite possibly true

I''ll try to take the wife and kids to see him if he comes to Perth.

I'll be the guy with the overclocked digeridoo.


So Obama's latest jobs plan can be summed up something like this...

Outsourcing + poor economic policy = American jobs

I get it now, I feel silly that it took me so long to realize how brilliant Obama is at creating jobs and bring American companies back to America. :sarcastic: :ouch:
It's not class warfare, it's math. Concerning his call to raise taxes on the wealthy $1.5 trillion to partly pay for his latest destined-for-failure job scheme, President Obama actually just said, "This is not class warfare - it's math!".

A few examples here and here and here and here of why I don’t exactly trust Obama’s rudimentary math solution. If not class warfare, it’s certainly going to be math warfare. I'll pass on this latest tanker by the annointed one thank you.

Here’s the obligatory “Obama math” instructional video that gets distributed to every new White House hire:


The truth is the republican will critize and then veto anything that comes out of Obama's mouth even if is one of their own old ideas. It's not the food, it's the waiter they dont like. Wake up America, read between the lines. It's very easy to blame the government for everything because you know the government is not going to come after you. Things could be a lot worse under a republican administration.


Could be a mistake, but it's most likely a 12% difference in the rate of growth (which would be correct), since, you know, it was about growth.


A CNN article pointing out Obama needs to raise taxes to pay for his plans, the thing is Obama HAS repeatedly called to raise taxes on the rich.


Can you shave $4 trillion of the deficit in the long term by reforming a $2,3 trillion set of program? Yes you can, even the tiniest cost cut will eventually make the deficit of the future $4 trillion lighter. It may take a while depending on the size of the cut and the natural growth rate of the cost of the set of programs, but eventually you'll hit the $4 trillion mark. It could take a million years but it's not a mathematical impossibility.


The fourth link is the same as the third.

Obamas secret mathmaw tichion outed

All Obama needs to do is, instead of shrinking business, profits, trade, common sense etc, is to shrink people, then all those smaller cars would be limos, trucks/semis, would be chevy Luvs, and 15 homes could get built from just 1 tree, and pollution wouldnt be a problem either, those particulates would be too large to go up our noses.
Im sure Jethro got him in on the skinny already
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