OC e7500 problem

Tudorel Oprisan

Jul 10, 2013
Ok, first of all i want to overclock my system, which is an old piece of hardware.
I read the thread about overclocking for newbies , but being new in this all is still weird for me.
My hardware is as follows:
CPU: C2D E7500
RAM: 2 x 4GB KingMax DDR3 1333 = 8 GB
i don't think the rest matters that much
as a PSU i have a Sirtec HP 400W.
8800GT as graphics card.
I use stock cooler, i want to know how far i can get with this one.
The thing that confuses me the most is the ram stuff, I don't understand how to match DDR3 to cpu so i can have 1:1 ratios.
I tried messing with the settings in BIOS, 11 multiplier, and 333 host freq instead of 266, which gets me to a 3.66 GHz, and 1333 FSB on DDR3.
But after windows 7 loads, and all programs start, the pc freezez.
Right now i am on 303 host freq i guess, but the RAM is not on 1333 anymore.
Any settings i may have forgotten to switch on or of in the BIOS? I don't think in normal to freeze at only 3.6 Ghz, but who knows.
I did not mess with voltages i left everything on auto. I tried setting the RAM latency manually but i noticed no change and pc still froze after windows 7 loaded.
Any suggestions?
I realize this hw is ancient by now, but i know that once this mb was pretty good, and so was the cpu.
Your better off with just getting a new PC for $600!
I think you should raise the BCLK to 420 and set vCore to 1.25v and make sure the ram is 1333 or as close as possible, set BCLK lower if you can't get the ram to 1333MHz... Also set the specified ram timing(Ex. 9-9-9-24)... RAM speed plays a big part of the overclocking of CPU. OC your ram ONLY if you have heat spreader on it, if you got DDR2 don't even bother lol...
If i would have $600 i would, but i don't.
I have DDR3, like i said in the first post, i don't have spreader on it, but 1333 is the default freq, 9-9-9-24.
I will try your suggestion, meanwhile i do expect other opinions as well.
i was able to get my E7500 running stable at 3.6Ghz stable even with stock voltage although i raise the voltage a bit just to be safe. if possible make sure the RAM running at it's rated timing and voltage. most likely you have to sacrifice RAM speed to get that 1:1 ratio and for stability reason. also i advice you not to OC your RAM if you're not using one that intended for overclocking. doing so might end up damaging the RAM itself. also after market cooler also a must if you want to overclock. with stock intel cooler you might not be able to get far. jumping directly to 3.6Ghz might be too much for your cooler to handle the heat. so start from much lower clock first and run prime95 for stress test and observed the max temp.
I am not doing OC, just for it for the overclock' sake, i need it.
@renz = > why raise the voltage? wouldn't that mean that speed would be higher? and so would be temperature?
I will look into ram recommended voltate, i know the timings already.
Right now blck is at 303 mhz x 11 = 3.33 Ghz, idle temps 40-42 degrees. Full load(i was playing gta IV, monitoring temps on 2nd display = > cpu's in 95-100% temp never got higher thant 69-70 degrees.
So far i know that the pc can handle 303 blck but not 333 => however this may be an error on my setting, and not necessarily mean the system cannot handle it.
I am afraid to mess with voltages yet, i read it is pretty dangerous, i wouldn't risk the system too much before knowing better what i am doing.
i do it just to make sure my proc have enough power to run the overclocked frequency. it is safe as long as you did not go beyond the max voltage recommended by intel...and have the cooler to keep the temperature in check. back then i was using gigabyte G41M- ES2L. due to my chipset limitation i can only get it around 3.77Ghz max. some mobo using the same chipset able to get 3.8Ghz. people with P45 chipset able to get theirs past 4Ghz.
I tried again, to run 333 x 11 and + 1 step further in cpu voltage + manual timings.
The weird thing is that when i looked on health sections in BIOS, the RAM voltage was 1.87 and it's default value is 1.5. but dram voltage was manual and normal, i did not bumped it up. Using these settings, the pc got rebooted before reading my hdd, to default settings. So something must be wrong there.
Now i am running 319 x 11 = 3500, manual timings, auto voltages(dram is 1.55 in health status ). dram freq is 1276 i think, pretty close to 1333.
The weird thing is that when i run 333 x 11 i get 1333 without changing anything. Unfortunately i don't know yet why i cannot run those settings yet.
There is a manual option. However i only have normal, +0.1 ... +0.6(or 7)V. I left it on normal. but when using 333 i still had 1.87V on ram settings, i don't understand why. I will look again tomorrow. I go to sleep now. Thanks for the answers.
Why scary? Never failed me so far, works as a charm. I bought it when i had a 4650 inside.
Right now the CPU works at 3.51 Ghz, and i think i will leave it like this, until i read some more about overclocking and maybe get an aftermarket cooler.
Besides for me, it is enough for now in terms of processing power.

I personally would go to 4GHz just because I can lol...
I am not about to risk my only cpu to do that 😀. But i might do it, after i get an upgrade, just to prepare the terrain for the new one.
I do have one question tho: What should i look for when choosing an aftermarket cooler?