OC gtx 970 power usage

Jose Luis Lopes

Apr 5, 2015
So, I have a MSI gtx 970, I managed to OC the core clock to 1504Mhz (+200) and the Mem clock to 7910Mhz(+450), without touching the voltage regulator (stays at +0) but I noticed something that I do not know if its normal or not, When I'm gaming (watchdogs, GTA V, AC Unity), the core and memory clock reaches the desirable speed, the temps stay at a reasonable 65-70ºC (depending on room temperature) but the power % (that I maxed on the MSI afterburner to 110%) hovers @ 80-90% is this normal? I saw some other gtx 970 that indicate on the MSI afterburner power usage over 100% when gaming. Should I worrie? Is there anyway of getting that bit of power put to use? I tried OC more the card but I think it started failing and creating artifacts with +20 over what I used. Will I get anymore power if I touch the voltage regulator?

Thanks for the patience

Well, it is his stuff, and he has the right to use it the way he wants. When there's potential for an overclock, why not use it?

But can I? As I said I didn't manage to OC the card more and I don't really like overvolting it, but the power usage was something that made me think as I see other card that show over 100% power usage but mine never goes over 90's. Does it have anything to do with the fact that the MSI card has 8+6 PCIE power connectors and others (like the strix) only has one 8pin?

As clock speeds go up, power draw goes up as well, and this will vary slightly chip to chip based on what CUDA cores were disabled. Your temperatures are fine as well. I wouldn't worry, but if even higher clocks yield artifacts it could be damaging to the chip.

The power usage percentage is just how much it is pulling relative to its TDP. If it goes over, it is above its TDP, which isn't surprising. If it is under, this is also normal, as few games can completely max out a GTX 970 at 1080p. It won't use 110% of the TDP if there's no need to, such as if you are looking down, at the sky, at a plain scene, etc.