So, I have a MSI gtx 970, I managed to OC the core clock to 1504Mhz (+200) and the Mem clock to 7910Mhz(+450), without touching the voltage regulator (stays at +0) but I noticed something that I do not know if its normal or not, When I'm gaming (watchdogs, GTA V, AC Unity), the core and memory clock reaches the desirable speed, the temps stay at a reasonable 65-70ºC (depending on room temperature) but the power % (that I maxed on the MSI afterburner to 110%) hovers @ 80-90% is this normal? I saw some other gtx 970 that indicate on the MSI afterburner power usage over 100% when gaming. Should I worrie? Is there anyway of getting that bit of power put to use? I tried OC more the card but I think it started failing and creating artifacts with +20 over what I used. Will I get anymore power if I touch the voltage regulator?
Thanks for the patience
Thanks for the patience