OC not working in specific game


Feb 1, 2017
First of all it's my first post and i want to thank this site and people for helping me with various problems over time.

Now to the topic.
Here's something weird: I Oc'ed my gpu(r9 280x vaporX) couple days ago. It works great on all games except one, starmade, i think it runs on java. My OC won't work when i run, it instead it runs on default clocks. :??:
Also rivatuner OSD does not work with it.

Overclock done through MSI afterburner
That tends to occur on CPU depend games. If your CPU is bottlenecking in that game could cause your issue. Try optimizing a bit for your CPU. Here is a few change you can test to see if they help.

For higher visual quality with lower CPU usage.

Resolution ; 1920 x 1080
Fullscreen ; on
FOV; 85.0
Max Segments; 750
Shadows; ON - Ultra
Normal mapping; ON
Procedual background; ON - 4096
Texture pack; Realistic - 256
VBO (dependent on system / OFF)
Vertical Sync; ON
Hi res background; OFF
Enable background; OFF
Bloom; ON (personal preference)
Framebuffer ON
Atmosphere shader; ON
2d texture compression; ON

Ingame options, turn OFF space particles and stars.

Tried these options and it doesn't work. Couldn't find :Atmosphere shader; ON
2d texture compression; ON
Also cpu tops up at the loading phase but then stays around 50% per core.

It is because PC weirdly recognises JAVA, there were problems where GPU wouldn't even boost itself...