[OC] Phenom II x6 1055T


Dec 24, 2017
Hello! I recently bought a new graphics card because my old one stopped working, so I bought a Radeon RX 560 OC 4GB, i was pretty excited until I started playing some games and having lower fps than I expected and should be expected on a card like that. In some games, sometimes i have more fps on high settings than on low settings [Like GTA V, on this game there is no FPS difference beetween low settings on 800x600 and high settings on full HD and FPS is like 30-40] So I started searching on the internet and found out that my CPU limits my GPU, and it makes sense, because i have an Phenom II x6 1055T.

So then i started searching about how i could solve this problem, because i cant buy another CPU because i dont have the money. I read some guides on how to overclock, i understood some things, doesnt seem to be that hard, but i need your help too. [Hoping that CPU OC can actually solve my performance loss]

Before we start let me show you my PC Configuration so you can tell me if i can easily overclock this CPU or i cant at all, i hope my PSU and motherboard will take it.

CPU: Phenom II x6 1055T
GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX 560 OC 4GB
PSU: Corsair TX650 [ 80 PLUS BRONZE]
Mobo: AsRock 970 Pro3 R2.0
CPU Cooler: Zalman CNPS 9900 MAX
RAM: 16gb ddr3 1333Mhz

I want you to know that i've never overclocked a CPU before, and i would like to up this one to 3,5ghz if possible. The only thing i've done until now is that i went in BIOS and changed some settings but i've never saved them, i dont want to do something stupid, but there is something weird i've seen in the bios: if i change the FSB from 200 to 210 or 220 nothing else changes not even the frequency and also ive seen that i can change the multiplier, thing that shouldnt be possible on a 1055T because is not Black Edition(1090T). Here is a video of the BIOS.:

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz86DBosHdc
CPU-Z: https://imgur.com/a/rsatQ [Photos were taken while CPU was under stress in Prime95]
CPU Temp Idle: https://imgur.com/a/Z2FAU
CPU Temp after 20 mins Prime95 stress: https://imgur.com/a/GCcCT

I know overclocking takes time and I hope someone here is willing to help me do this, and im willing to talk on facebook or discord so it will be easier to communicate. Also let me know if you need more info about my PC.

I will also record every BIOS setting i change.
Download AMD Overdrive here: https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/amd-overdrive
Read on it here: http://www.amd.com/Documents/AMD_Dragon_AM3_AM2_Performance_Tuning_Guide.pdf

3,5 is only a 200mhz increase so it should be easy.
Google your CPU's safe temp and volts and keep an eye on them.
Once you feel confident you have a good grasp on what is what, how it works, what it does, go back to playing in BIOS.
General tips: don't OC ram when OC-ing CPU till you find the sweet spot, keep an eye on temps, don't push it to max volts, usually the last 200Mhz don't worth the extra temp and wear, use the multiplier, not the bus.
Ok then if 200mhz is not something that will make a difference, how much mhz do you think my system will handle?And why when i change the cpu frequency in the bios nothing else changes like it should...dram frequency and stuff?Not even the CPU Frequency per total modifies.
Hmmm, seems 1055t has a lock multiplier and cant use that to OC-it.
That means your best bet would be to OC the HT and NB, but keep an eye on memory to keep it within specs, my AMD experience is limited to a 965be that had an unlocked multi and was alot easier to play with.
Basicaly, in theory, you should up the HT and NB frequencies, while keeping ram in specs with a ratio changer. But as I am unfamiliar with your mobo's BIOS I cant give you more details. Still think you should play a bit in AOD and see what's what.
As no two chips are the same there is no way to tell how far you can get, only way is to slowly push it and be patient.
Also your Mobo, although of good quality and on a higher tier, doesnt seem to have heatsinks on the VRM's around the CPU socket, so watch the Mobo temps also!
I've never overclocked a CPU before and AOD seems a little bit too complicated for me so i will try with the bios things, and yes my mobo doesnt have heatsinks, how can i watch the mobo temps?What program?And I've read guides about my 1055T and i should OC with FSB not HT and NB only