OC Temp problems


Mar 6, 2012
Hey guy's so I've had my Phenom II 960T overclocked to 3.8 with a vcore of 1.35 and have been stable for at least 2 months. But now as summer is approaching I have been watching my temps to see if I was going to have to lower my OC (we don't have AC) for summer. So after a couple a day of checking my temps with HWmonitor I come to realize that my temps where high. CPUTIN at idle was 40c, now that day was a warmer day it was about 80F so I didn't worry about it to much. But the past days have been way cooler currently 60F and my window is also open and computer is right next to it, but my CPUTIN is hovering in the high 30's. So I lower my OC from 3.8 to 3.4 with a vcore of 1.325 and my CPUTIN is still in the high 30's as of right now. So I went on to download Core Temp and see what it told me. It gave me a temp of 21c which would put me a couple degrees over ambient, also as of right now. which seem way to low for my cooler, H60 (biggest waste of money). And by the way my temps from when i first OC to 3.8 my CPUTIN was roughly 32-34C when idle. So my question is should I disregard the HWmonitor temps and just worry about the Core temp or what?

edit: just looked at my SYSTIN on HWmonitor and was showing 30c, which would make it impossible for my core temp to be 21c. gosh this is confusing.

IMO 40 for idle and 60 degrees under load isn't that bad for an overclocked Phenom II.


Mar 6, 2012
Yep so I'm to say that my temps are fine and just keep an eye on them for a while just to make sure. And it's no like my idle is crazy high so it's not the end of the worls that my idle is a little higher that I want. Also my load temp doesn't go over 60c so I think I'm fine.