Occasional stuttering in MGS V TPP


Jun 19, 2016
When I'm playing this for a couple minutes the animations just doesnt feel smooth as it supposed to, the counter says it's running in 60 fps but it doesnt feel smooth at all. I'm using AMD R9 380 4GB with latest drivers. I'm playing with M+KB, with a controller it's fine but I just want to play it with M+KB. Need a permanent solution, this fix only works for a couple of minutes before stuttering again.

stuttering example: https://youtu.be/zMyYq5VbkXE

The stuttering is really noticeable at 0:46

It should be smooth like in 1:06

8gb ram
msi z170a pc mate
650w cs corsair
running on HDD
logitech g102 prodigy