Occupy Wall Street

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Courtesy of CNN.

Here is a list of your local gatherings:

Albuquerque, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Ann Arbor , Atlanta , Austin, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Fort Worth, Hartford, Houston, Iowa City, Jersey City, Kansas City , Los Angeles , Miami, Minneapolis, New Haven, Normal, Illinois, Oakland,Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, Oregon , Portland, Maine, Roanoke, Virginia, Sacramento , Salt Lake City, San Diego , San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Fe, Seattle, Tampa , Trenton, Venice, California, Washington D.C.

Well as long as they keep it as a peaceful protest and have rational demands then I support them 100%.

It may be called Class warfare, But no one likes when a % of people pay LESS taxes then the rest and receive more benefits then others.sa
Wait I though Americans payed taxes and receive a Lower % of what they payed back, If you did not fill taxes then you do not receive money back or you would have the HOUNDS of IRS behind you.

I Study outside the US but I'm a Resident of the US so I'm not so well informed on this part of the process since I've never had to do it, My dad does.
More like a list of places to avoid! If half the articles, interviews, and videos posted on you tube are true, it really looks to be like one big effed up mess as opposed to a political statement. At the very least, proof that the European Austerity protests have landed in America. Hopefully this stays peaceful but doesn't seem likely.

Wonder if this thing has staying power? If this is the proletariat, are the Bolsheviks too far behind?

Welcome to the USA!

Ever heard of minimum wage? If there were no such thing, I would possibly be working 1 buck an hour.

Actually... it's the maximum's I'm worried about, not the minimum's. Even more worrying, is the desire for "Equal salaries".
Take an employee with 15 years experience that gets a job with Company A. Both parties agree to a salary of X dollars.

Now take an employee with 5 years experience and all other things being equal can only find jobs offering salaries of X minus Y dollars.

This 2nd exec now expects the govt. to step in and demand the co. he or she was hired on with to pay a salary of X dollars.

The government should NOT be in charge of regulating the free market.
It is about time people of the USA stand up and not just let things happen. I am all for the cause. Remember all the protest in the 60s they faded out but are not coming back. As for equal salaries that would not work. I think it would kill the drive of the worker who has been on the job for 10 years and someone new comes in and make the same amount.

I'm sure some of them have good points. The problem is the majority of them are there just to to feel like they are changing the U.S. and all they are doing is creating huge trash heaps and doing nothing to really change anything. They should put all this time they seem to have to constuctive use if they truly cared.

Equal salary is fine if you have the same experience an/or education. If someone has been active in a field, let's say in computers for 10 years and some dufus fresh out of college demands the same as the 10 year guy, I would keep the older guy. He is active in his field, experience more than makes up for education. I would hire military over many other employees just because they usually show up on time for work, which most younger people have a problem with. Some don't hire military and call them overqualified for fear that they will one day take their jobs.

Or here is a scenario. You are making $40 an hour and have worked for 10 years and I see another guy just out of school and give him to you to bring up to speed. Once he is set in the job I am going to give him $40 an hour also. Forget the fact that it took you 10 years to get to this point. How does that equal pay sound now? How would that make you feel? Would you think the company values you?


Yeah I say that media report ... it seemed a bit "anti" the protestors and I wonder if Rupert told the reporter to bias it that way?

Checked another news site and they picked up on the poop incident as well.

I wonder how bad it was back when the hippies portested in the 60's?

JD ... can you fill us in ... old fella?

heh heh ...

I think poor old Obama is scratching his head wondering how does he tackle this one too ...

How do you tackle this issue?

It isn't easy ...

Somehow I think your trying to tar and feather the guy for something he hasn't done.

Clearly he is in a tough position with this going on.

If the rubbish piles up much higher the tourists are going to think they are in a third world country ...

You told me once before there are hardly any people living on the streets ...

Now there are.

That right there says a whole lot. Most of those people just look like they're there to have a good time and to be able to tell others they took part in the big "OCCUPY WALL STREET".
My comment about Woodstock still syands
Sex drugs and rocknroll

Now, I remember the days of wanting to be heard, how others with their 15 minutes were sometimes of great importance in my young life
This isnt the place, the right format, the right approach, and mostly, the right people, tho some probably do deserve to be heard

PS I almost forgot the fun part, oh yea baby
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