OC'ing my phemom 955 from 3.2GHz to 3.6Hz - Would this fan handle it?


Sep 21, 2013
Hello. Today I'm getting a new GPU, PSU and also replacing my Intel fan with: Arctic Cooling Alpine Pro 11 Rev. 2, and replacing my 4 year old thermal paste.
Just want to ask if this simple fan would handle 0.4GHz oc without making too much noise or even worse - overheating. If it won't, what's the maximal space to oc it? If it would - would I be able to go even more than 3.6?
I myself have gotten to a stable 3.7 ghz stable OC without upping the voltage (1.35v). But you really need to experiment with it, as every chip is different, and not everyone can reach the same clocks with the same settings. BUT, never go above 1.4v, as this is a sure way to seriously degrade and damage your chip. If you OC, the 1,4v should be your absolute max limit, as anything above that will just create unnecessary heat. Try to OC to 3,7 ghz first, and see if it stable. When it is, try to lower your voltage as much as you can (till its stable), and keep it there. :)

How do I check if it's stable?
I just ran prime95 for like 2min and my cpu cores reached to 65c lol. Turned it off.
But that's probably because my fan sucks and my thermal paste is dry as fuck.



Oh - I forgot to mention. I tested without OC. At all.
Ran the test on stock 3.2GHz and got a 65c... That's a clear sign to go get some thermal paste and a new fan lol.
I'll post results when I install everything

Ye, thats definitely worrysome if you haven't OCed at all, look forward to viewing your results :)

Wow... what a disappointment. Bought a great cooler, the Freezer 7 Pro rev.2 which has GREAT reviews. Took me 1 and a half fucking hours to install it and remove the old thermal paste (this one came with one preapplied), I turn on the PC and nothing... still 40c on idle, still 62c with load... What did I do wrong?

Ye, that cooler isn't really powerful enough for the Phenom II 955, with only 45CFM (how much air the fan pushes). the minimum for the Phenom II 955 should be an Cooler master 212 EVO, which I used with great results. But that cooler is now in my newer build, and I bought the cheaper Tx3 for the Phenom, which barely hangs on (54,5CFM max). I would return the Freezer 7 and buy this:

Ugh. I can't return it to the store after I opened it because the thermal paste is already all over the CPU and no one would buy it back. I can't believe it's not enough for my CPU. I was sure it's more than what I need...
There's no way I can do something instead of buying a new cooler? That sucks so bad!
And I use HWMonitor to measure my temp, should I look at Core temp or TMPIN0?

I would use realtemp as it is generally more accurate :) but, if it reaches 62c while stresstesting with prime95, I would see how hot it becomes under normal load, because prime95 stresses the cpu much more than any real-world application.

Edit: and look at core temp if you want to use hwmonitor

While playing BO2 I got to 57-58. This is so bad I can't believe I spent money and time for this shit ;(

I don't wanna OC it, just want it not to overheat. Do you know what the voltage should be? It's set to auto and by hwmonitor it's changing from 1.0v to 1.4v

You should lower it to 1.35 volt in the bios settings. my motherboard did the same, and I had to manually change the settings.