PC4life89 :
I know how to OC a video card but if you have 2 video cards how do you do it?
You need to first test the OC settings for both cards, one will be faster than the other, whichever card is the slowest use it for your reference to flash the settings to the video card Bios, don't use the maxxed settings of the reference card back it down a little to give yourself a safety margin.
Then bios flash the core/shader/mem settings of the slower card and test it, don't flash the second card until you're sure the first is rock stable, don't flash the first card with the second in the machine, because the flashing program will flash them both one at a time, and once the process starts you best not stop it so only flash one at the time while you're still in your testing phase, if you're absolutely positive your settings are good you can flash them both in the machine, but be sure first!
If you screw up the first card you'll have the second to get you back to the flash point to correct the problem, study how to flash the card and familiarize yourself with the procedure thoroughly,
www.mvktech.net, is your study and download source for the guides and programs you'll need like NvFlash and NiBiTor, IF!!! You have any doubt about how to do it, DON'T!
Cooling is very majorly important when OCing an SLI setup, the 2 cards tend to heat each other, so I would reccommend after market cooling, but if you go stock cooling check its contact with the GPU die, don't assume anything, and add increased fan speed into the bios flash.
Remember to allow some leeway because an individual card may OC higher than it will when the 2 are side by side stealing each others airflow, once both cards are identically flashed they'll run in SLI just the same as if they'd come from the factory like that.
Definitely Been There Done That Successfully!
However you do this at your own risk! Good Luck! Ryan