Can an intel i7-7700 7th generation support oculus rift, it says VR ready on the box. I'm new to pc's and I got this pc as a gift. It's a kaby lake i7 7700 intel that's all I know. Help please?
MERGED QUESTION Question from Dylanc92 : "Oculus computer support"
Dylanc92 :
Obvious and silly to ask, im waiting on ny new pc from Amazon I'm new to pc's. Just in case if my intel i7-7700 has an old graphic card that wont support oculus, can I buy any Oculus rift graphic card for my pc? Idk if it would be too much or not?
if your pc doesn't have a good gpu you can always buy a replacement
and if you mean you cpu's gpu can support vr then yeah you're right it doesn't
you'll need a gtx 970 & higher to play vr with the rift
would recommend the gtx 1050 ti >>
good luck and enjoy the pcmr 😀