Oculus Disables Galaxy Note 7 Gear VR Compatibility So It Can’t Blow Up In Your Face

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I'm now questionning myself if I should continu using my GearVR with my Galaxy S6 since it does overheat after 30min of utilization.

Maybe we should just not put any heated lithium-ion battery in front of our eyes...?

There's no reason to panic. These phones shut down when they overheat. You shouldn't intentionally overheat your phone like that, but it's not going to make the battery explode. Sit under a ceiling fan, or at least point a portable fan at your head when you use Gear VR with a phone that overheats because it can't really handle VR.
I never owned any S* series from Samsung, but from the beginning, i'm not 'fan' of putting a cellphone in front of your eyes. Mainly for the battery, it just can fail an explode in your face. They should developed a custom conector or something similar to connect there the GearVR, just my oppinion.
My s7 edge runs GVR perfectly, does not overheat. Best phone i have had, and i thought i would never like another phone more than my Trusty LG G2.
I am not sure why people want to take a chance on a product 3 inches from their eyes. "Mine doesn't overheat, I swear." "It doesn't damage your eyes, they tested the technology for 10 years and monitored effects." Uh, you have way too much confidence in the people that make this stuff. Shoe strings and glue people, it's barely holding together.

Come on people, you look like a fool with that on your head anyway.
it pissed me off last night when i went to use my note 7 with the VR, i never charge my note 7 over 50 percent just in case till i get the time to get it replaced..... i reached out to samsung told them i have 2 original note 7s and bought the 100 dollar gear vr they said were sending you to explosion proof boxes send your phones in as soon as we receive them give us 2 weeks and we will send you a check of 1000 per phone so we will see how this goes.....am i wrong to say i would rather use a flip phone then to go back to apple??
Has people already forgotten that apple also had a load of cases of battery explodes on their iPhone ? After that case, I swear to my self to never bought their iPhone ever again.
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