Oculus Hopes To Inspire A Generation With 'VR For Good' Initiative

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You can't play great VR games on the Oculus Rift, but you can play some good ones. The Rift only offers a seated experience, which is still cool, but isn't VR as we know it today, so focusing on 360 video is probably a good idea.

I'd love to see them salvage this botched product launch. I was a fan in the Kickstarter days, but HTC leapfrogged them by delivering a better product while we were still waiting for the Rift to be delivered.
"Everyone is talking about all the great games that you can play in VR, but games are far from the only application for the new medium."

Please, what are these great games? Id love to see some footage. All the reviews i have seen so far of oculus, have shown extremely bad games. Extremely overpriced, mediocre, crap.
That isnt to say there cant be good games. But the reviewers that ive seen certainly arent playing them.

Im sure it would be good/great in a racing sym, or flight sym, or anything else that would be naturally seated. Ive yet to see a flight sym or racing sym review with an oculus tho.
"Everyone is talking about all the great games that you can play in VR, but games are far from the only application for the new medium."

Please, what are these great games? Id love to see some footage. All the reviews i have seen so far of oculus, have shown extremely bad games. Extremely overpriced, mediocre, crap.

On a side note, have you checked out googles 'Tilt Brush" on Vive? no a game, super awesome.
VR will be used as a propaganda tool, just like all forms of mass media before it, only better.

Terrorists & authoritarian regimes will release immersive videos and games to exploit its greater sense of empathy, not unlike how they currently post up propaganda vids on Youtube.

I'm not against VR, but it bothers me that no one seems to be paying attention to these negative aspects.
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