Oculus Rift or Computer upgrade

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Jan 5, 2016
I can either upgrade my computer or buy vr i would upgrade my computer for vr cant do both
gtx 970
A10 7870k (OC x4 860k equivalent)
8gb ram

my delema is i want to get into vr but i dont know with my cpu if i would get acceptable results i got a vrmark score of 4153 is it worth it to buy vr or should i upgrade my computer and get vr later
GPU wise you have VR covered....it is your CPU that is the issue IMO. Without a proper CPU you won't hit the 90hz/fps needed to minimize motion sickness. Now that said AMD says your CPU is enough for entry level VR, though Oculus recommended specs disagree. Even my i7 3930k doesn't meet the techincal requirements for VR but my CPU is still MUCH more powerful then yours and does VR flawlessly. So i can't say you won't be able to run VR but just because you can doesn't mean you should. If your willing to sink 500 dollars into a VR set-up knowing you may get a sub-par experience, that is your call to make. I just believe you would be better served upgrading your CPU platform now and enjoying the jump to VR later. The choice is ultimately...
I'd wait for VR. I kinda feel we're on the cusp of a VR explosion. The next gen will almost certainly come standard without the external sensors or lighthouses, which will reduce costs. Wireless will also be a likely addon, and I'm sure they'll be a little smaller, lighter and fit better.
Maybe upgrade your system now and save up for the next round.

Running an Oculus Rift myself and agree with most of what you say. I'd dive into VR now or soon IF the OPs PC was capable but the sad truth is the OPs CPU is WAY under powered for VR.

i mean according to vrmark it meets the min requirements what knd of settings and frame rate can i expect

i mostly just game do you think the r3 1200 will work or should i get the r5 1600 or even an Intel chip also if amd should i get x370 or b350 mobo
GPU wise you have VR covered....it is your CPU that is the issue IMO. Without a proper CPU you won't hit the 90hz/fps needed to minimize motion sickness. Now that said AMD says your CPU is enough for entry level VR, though Oculus recommended specs disagree. Even my i7 3930k doesn't meet the techincal requirements for VR but my CPU is still MUCH more powerful then yours and does VR flawlessly. So i can't say you won't be able to run VR but just because you can doesn't mean you should. If your willing to sink 500 dollars into a VR set-up knowing you may get a sub-par experience, that is your call to make. I just believe you would be better served upgrading your CPU platform now and enjoying the jump to VR later. The choice is ultimately yours to make.
I'd go with an r5 1600 if i were you. 6C/12T and has shown to be an excellent gaming CPU for the most part, though we all know Intel still holds the gaming CPu crown. The r5 should be plenty future proof and much cheaper then an Intel alternative. As for the motherboard...unless you are dead set on SLI get the b350 chipset.

thanks for the help im going to upgrade it first and help save money by selling my stuff and buying used I also Might just get a psvr
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