Maybe if Vive owners (of which there are over twice as many as Oculus owners) weren't treated like pox-riddled outcasts, maybe we'd be buying your software and you wouldn't have to do this. But you're determined to have your own storefront and pay developers for disgusting "exclusivity" deals and anything else you can do to keep out the bigger audience. I am EXTREMELY disappointed in Oculus and how they've attempted to fragment and destroy the nascent VR industry for their own monetary gains. Disgusting behaviour and I hope Oculus goes under for it.
OVR certainly made a rash of mistakes rapid fire. They could make a come back if they just combined a new open initiative of some sort with some new hardware their hardcore fans can get behind. They should then reprice the existing CV1 (or a slightly improved cv1 ala the cv1a or something) headset as low as they can stomach. They need a real strategic thinker in there.
This VR thing, will go the same way the 3D craze went.
A couple years, and then it's going to go belly up!!!
I'm really kind of afraid you're right. I really want VR to take off, but it has two problems that have killed previous technologies. First, what killed 3D is that people just don't want to wear bulky stuff on their faces. Wearing bulky stuff will never be as comfortable as not wearing bulky stuff, so people don't want it, so that's already a huge hurdle to overcome. Secondly, ever since motion controls were invented, the Wii (U), Sony's thing, the Kinect, etc, everyone's always said that motion controls are just ass, and they've never taken off because yeah, they are kind of ass, and precious few games ever figured out how to implement them properly, compared to just button presses.
And, well, it's those assy controls no one likes and the bulky face-gear that no one wants that are at the heart of VR. Don't get me wrong, I reeeeeally want VR to take off and become mainstream. But it's already got enough to overcome without all this exclusivity nonsense, as well.
Considering that VR isn't "VR" at all and it's 3d and it's been tried and done since the 1970's, it's NO surprise that it's failing yet again.
A bigger joke yet is room scale VR. seriously, to make it work you need to create the room you see in VS, but in the RL and then walk around with an HMD on and interact with the room. WTF is the point.
Putting on visors is cool, for one person, the user. For everyone else it's a complete waste of time.
I can really only see VR working for flight games/space sims as it's most important to be able to use your head to steer your vision adequately.
Racing games, dude, I yearn for a VR cockpit with a steering wheel and pedals, etc. That would be so bloody fun. And maybe I can sell my wife on it if I tell her we can use it for teaching our eventual kids how to drive one day. lol
The Vive is amazing. It's nothing like 3d craze of a few years ago. It completely changes the gaming experience. Exclusive content and expensive buy in is the main thing that is holding VR back.
When we can get the wireless option later this year it will be a complete package. I have it set up in my double garage which gives me a 5mx7m play area. The cord stops me from using it all at the moment.
Arizona Sunshine is the best FPS game I've ever played not because it's the best game but because it's a good game in VR.
I still think strategy games are going to be amazing in VR, You are the gods view. Use your hands to make men move. I can't wait for someone to realise that potential and make it happen. Think Supreme Commander with the controls of Final Approach.
Yeah whatever - Can't even buy Oculus or Vive in my country yet after two or so years. So meh... Both can falter while I wait for a real alternative to launch globally.
Yeah whatever - Can't even buy Oculus or Vive in my country yet after two or so years. So meh... Both can falter while I wait for a real alternative to launch globally.
Uh, VR is not going to fail this time. No way. The goggles will get much smaller and cheaper. Don't forget Mixed Reality. We'll be able to put on something roughly the size of swimmers goggles and have immersive video, or a mixture of real-world and virtual.
I wonder how many who predict its doom have actually tried it with a bit of an imagination of how it can be in a couple more years?
It doesn't have to succeed for all people in all areas. Heck, I thought MOBILE phones and tablets were stupid (for the average person) but they sold like hot cakes.
yeah vr is really dumb. its not good to stair at a screen 2 inches from your eyes. ITS NOT HEALTHY. It wont take off because normal people get headaches from it.