Hey guys just installed windows 7 64 Bit on a 30gb SSD. I also have it running on a Gigabyte 790xt motherboard with a XFX Radeon 5870 HD. The first time after installing windows the computer started extremely fast. I first noticed a freeze up when I restarted the system. It will get to the point where it says starting windows, then for some reason it freezes. After about a minute or two, the win 7 floating logo finally appears and the system process to boot.
So my problem is that installing an SSD in I excpect the system to boot immediatly. But with the freezing it defeats the purpose. Anyone come across this freeze before the windows pogo appears?
Idk how to handle an SSD yet. Do I enable SMART? Or is there a special option for it? Or is my system hanging on something not related to the SSD, or is there a hardware conflict anyone an see?
Please let me know. Thanks.
So my problem is that installing an SSD in I excpect the system to boot immediatly. But with the freezing it defeats the purpose. Anyone come across this freeze before the windows pogo appears?
Idk how to handle an SSD yet. Do I enable SMART? Or is there a special option for it? Or is my system hanging on something not related to the SSD, or is there a hardware conflict anyone an see?
Please let me know. Thanks.