Hey there, I've been searching for a solution for weeks but couldn't find anything just like my issue so I'm asking this community for help. two years ago I built my first PC, which has been working flawlessly ever since, until a few months ago i encountered a sound driver bug: when rebooting the pc, suddenly my back panel audio output stopped working. the only sound possible to hear was coming through my headphones which are plugged in into the front panel jack. when trying to adjust volume, those 'died', too. i tried reinstalling drivers, which worked - but the next time i resart my PC, the issue is back again. I've tried everything from clean installing windows to updating the bios and am extremely frustrated because the issue persists. strangely enough, sometimes the back panel audio output works when i unplug the headphones from the front panel. the system always shows audio as playing (Music visualizer working without any sound coming from either device). My oculus rifts sound however always works, its plugged in via USB. i tried using an USB sound card but that just produced the same issue again. Is my Mainboard/CPU dying? somehow the issue was gone for two months but now its been back for two weeks and im out of ideas on what to do, please help me!