so this is the first time i have built a water cool pc. These are important specs concerning the cooling. xeon1231 v3 like a i7 2. 4 fans 5.lepa aquacharger 120 watercooler. The cooler had good reviews and people with simmilar specs had really cool temps. i use msi afterburner and hw monitor. idle it sits at 31-35 that seems ok. The problum is when i play gta 5 or any other game it constantly gets 50-70 c even when cpu really isnt under much stess. it just seems off i would be ok if cpu was like 90 or 80% used but most of time its low 40s or sometimes spikes to 60 in gta 5 cpu usage but ushally stays low. i know right now its in safe temps but im not getting cooling i should be and when i accualy push cpu with rendering or lets say bf1 it will get way to hot. i have a push pull setup with air pushing with radiator out of case.