odd cpu water cooling temps,please help!


Sep 8, 2016
so this is the first time i have built a water cool pc. These are important specs concerning the cooling. 1.intel xeon1231 v3 like a i7 2. 4 fans 5.lepa aquacharger 120 watercooler. The cooler had good reviews and people with simmilar specs had really cool temps. i use msi afterburner and hw monitor. idle it sits at 31-35 that seems ok. The problum is when i play gta 5 or any other game it constantly gets 50-70 c even when cpu really isnt under much stess. it just seems off i would be ok if cpu was like 90 or 80% used but most of time its low 40s or sometimes spikes to 60 in gta 5 cpu usage but ushally stays low. i know right now its in safe temps but im not getting cooling i should be and when i accualy push cpu with rendering or lets say bf1 it will get way to hot. i have a push pull setup with air pushing with radiator out of case.
ya it should be i might have put to much paste i dint think i did. i did a small amount and spread with finger with glove i will try grain of rice method. they are at full speed along with pump changed in bios. its weird no matter what game it just get up to 60c or more sometimes no matter what cpu usage is makes no sense. i will have to get a friend or someone to help install again its like impossible with one person.
cant really give you a fair comparison as i am on full watercooling so my temps are obviously far better

but try the official intel cpu diagnostic software it has a short 100% load test--nothing too extreme like prime95

it should recognise your cpu and from that give it a pass or fail on the cooling if i remember right
ya i used prime 95 one of the older versions recommended for my cpu and i let it run for few minutes and it gets pretty hot from what i remember. but ya i have a aio with few fans not a custom loop. i just want it to stay low and cool in summers not even necessarily overclock its just really hot here where i live.
I bet your LEPA water cooler is leaking and you do not realize it because you cannot see into the hoses to tell if there is fluid or enough fluid inside.
ONe of these destroyed my gaming computer. The company will not respond to you if you tell them that a leak destroyed your computer. Get rid of it and put in a $20 big air cooler and I will bet anything that your problem disappears. Also you can thank me for saving your rig from it's coming destruction because of this leak.
You will not be able to tell because the heat of the system will dry out the drips before you feel the wet.