For three years, my friend's computer has been working beautifully. About a month ago, I updated him to windows 10 (he previously had windows 7), and things started to go awry. His computer has shut off unexpectedly a few times while gaming, or even just watching Netflix. However, this situation has escalated in the past 24 hours. Yesterday he was using his computer as he normally does, with everything working as it should. He took a 4 hour nap, and when he turned his computer on, nothing happened. It was left at a black screen and after resetting it a few times, windows told us that it "could not repair the system" without giving an error code or anything of the like. After trying to troubleshoot for a few hours, he decided to just have a clean install of windows 10 so that he can just completely reset. I downloaded the windows 10 files onto a flash drive, booted his system from said drive, and started the installation of windows 10. However, during the installation process, the screen would just randomly go black and not allow us to do anything unless we restarted the computer. This isn't a monitor problem, as we tried both of his monitors on my own PC and they worked without an issue. At one point when the screen went black, the default desktop screen of windows 10 flashed on the screen for a split second. We got through the installation process and are now just sitting on a black screen in hopes that in a few hours things will start working again. However, if things do not work out, I'm hoping that somebody here might have a solution to this issue just in case nothing happens.
Update: after waiting 6 and a half hours, nothing has happened.
Update: after waiting 6 and a half hours, nothing has happened.