Hello! My name is Aidan, and I have a really odd question about the health of my PC. To give you guys some context on it's hardware and software, it's running Windows 8.1 (whatever the latest 8 version is). GPU- MSI 750ti, CPU- AMD FX-6300 (clocked @ 3.8 GHz), MoBo- Unknown, RAM- 8gb DDR3, Storage- 2 1TB WD Blue's 7200 RPM HDDs, PSU- Unknown, and no water cooling. My issue is this: when starting up, it shows the "MSI quality main board blah blah" screen (I'm not sure if it shows anything else), and the monitor(s) go idle (I have 2). I cannot hardshut it down, and I cannot use the restart button to restart it. So I resort to turning off the power strip it's plugged into, and then it works just fine. I really need to know if something critically wrong is going on with my PC, because I do not have the money to replace it at the moment. Thank you!