Odd windows 10 errors


Jul 12, 2016
After a very troublesome build, I finally installed windows. Everything seemed to work fine until all my motherboard drivers were installed and I had to restart. During the restart a blue screen of death appeared twice in a row. Windows then ran diagnostics and worked, but when I got to the login screen the screen was black and if I moved the cursor blue bars would appear on the screen. I was able to click and see the password box and log in. Everything seemed to be going smooth, I was playing Skyrim and all of the sudden I was no longer connected to the internet through my wireless adapter and the sound was no longer playing. I'm not really sure if these are windows errors or hardware errors but had no other idea where to post this. I cannot get the sound or the internet to connect still and need some guidance.
Thanks in advance.
Why/how was build troublesome?

did you install the motherboard drivers off the install DVD or from the web site? Its possible the drivers on DVD are old and have caused this behaviour. If this is a fairly new build, I would suggest doing a reset or a fresh install and use the drivers off the motherboard makers web site as you shouldn't get 2 BSOD right after installing them.

I did install them from disc, but I believe they are current I went to the web to check afterward. I will definitely look at them again to make sure. Thanks for the input.