OEM Windows and switching from AMD to Intel, now nothing works


Jan 9, 2015
Okay so I managed to uninstall the AMD drivers and then hooked up to my new mobo/cpu and tried to boot off of the mobo driver disk but nothing worked. Windows makes it to the little dots that make the symbol, but then freezes and resets, and prompts me to open startup repair, which does nothing. This is what it says: http://imgur.com/Ga1CTsV

So how do I go about installing the Intel drivers? I think that's what the main issue is at the moment.

EDIT: Here's the reddit thread I made, I've never really used this forum before but I'm used to reddit so yeah http://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/2rsvwr/okay_bothers_i_really_need_your_help_i_did_a_big/
You have to reinstall Windows from scratch when you change motherboards. They have completely different chipsets, and completely different drivers for everything else.

If you are lucky, MS may release your OEM license key if you tell them you had to change hardware because something broke. Make sure to call the number for your country from here: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/customer-service-phone-numbers/en-gb

They have done it for me before, but from what I read around it depends on the person you talk to. DO NOT ATTEMPT THE AUTOMATED SERVICE. IT WILL FAIL. WAIT FOR A REAL PERSON. Hope this helps. :)
OEM versions of windows 7 are tied to the motherboard. If you want to continue using win7 you'll need to buy another licences(or contact microsoft and beg). Also when you do a major hardware swap(like a motherboard and cpu change) you normally have to do a clean reinstall of windows, you can just put it in another system and expect it to work without issue as it rarely ever does.

Love the edit there, lol. You say beg, I say <mod edit> them. 😛

<let's watch our language in the forums>

Microsoft is a bit more lenient about allowing you to xfer these. If to was from a prebuilt then you'd pretty much be SOL. Do the needed clean reinstall and if it won't activate online try activating it over the phone.

Okay so how do I get into Windows? Can you link me to a guide on uninstalling windows (did it once but completely forgot)? Do I have to reconnect the old mobo? If that's the case, will it still work because I already removed the AMD drivers

Okay so that leaves the problem of somehow getting into Windows to remove it, do you think if I reconnect the old motherboard that it'll work, regardless of not having and CPU drivers installed?

Okay so I'm still a little lost, when I clean install will it just wipe everything and then go to the desktop? If it does that, do I just shutdown, switch out my components, boot, and start installing drivers?