Question Ok im on my home network modem + pasky router i think my router may have a botnet not possitive.

May 8, 2019
I have no way of finding out for sure i don't own a computer, just a ps4, smart tv hooked up to ps4 , and a phone i dont use wifi on. I ran some dns browser test that i barely understand one said o was blacklisted by 3 sites for possible botnet infection. One said i was using a public ip thats my unique machine ip. Basically like a super cookie. this is coming from lan but its my actual wan ip. If i run just the modem my ip is good a dynamic wan ip same range as usual Its only when the router hooks up that it changes is this normal? If not do i get a new router? Also can i just run my modem without the router is safe security wise?
192 ip is internal network, not internet ip
The port scan founed a remote port in the 5k range i black listed it and it changed is this normal? Sorry about all the questions im just worried on my end I've done all i can do changed all passwords. Factory resets ect. But i have no antivirus for the router.