Ok Overclocking !


Apr 23, 2013
Should I do Overclocking or not , I know Overclocking is fee but i heared it makes the life of an object decrease , is tht right ?
In that case GTX 670 SLI isn't that much of an overkill.

Why don't you just run the system as is without overclocking first? If you find the CPU to be bottlenecking, you can look into overclocking then.
If you feel that you need a little more performance out of your system without upgrading anything, try overclocking it. It's true that the lifetime of components can decrease with overclocking, but with a relatively small overclock, there's nothing to worry about. You're very likely to replace the components before that anyways.
For me overclocking is usefule in certain situations suchs as when mining I like to increase the core clock of my GPU's, when benchmarking I like to overclock the Gpu and CPU, when gaming I usually do a small GPu overclock, and lastly when a system gets older and requires a boost of speed is a good time to overclock your system.

Life span really depends on how you overclock your device voltages and the temps. If your temps and voltages are much higher then stock that can reduce your devices life expectancy. In my case when I overclocked my i7 920 from 2.67 to 3.65Ghz it only required a .01V increase and temps were only 5 degrees higher then stock so i dont thing life expectancy will be affected

Ok I am making a new gaming rig I will have an GTX 670 SLI and an I5 3570K (3.5 Stock speed) but some ppl tell me that the CPU will be bottleneck so what do u recommend to me ?

an i5 is a 2 core processor i would go with the i7 quad core, and 670 SLI might be overkill for most modern games
An i5 is not a 2 core processor, it's a quadcore, just like the i7. The difference between them is that the i7 has HyperThreading, which has hardly any value in games. An i5 is in most cases the right choice.

Like Randy said though, a GTX670 in SLI might be overkill, but that depends on what resolution you wish to play at.

Only on mobile my friend.
yes I am currently playin ( crysis 3 , Farcry 3 , BF3 , Metro 2033) I want to play any of the upcoming games on Ultra
so if there is a link to a save overcloking tutorial that would be gr8 , pls how many fans do i need ? I will get an Evo Cooling for cpu .
In that case GTX 670 SLI isn't that much of an overkill.

Why don't you just run the system as is without overclocking first? If you find the CPU to be bottlenecking, you can look into overclocking then.

Ok I will go with that 😀