Old case vs new case


Aug 23, 2017
Hey so it's my first time building a pc and i've picked out all the parts needed but the last thing I need to buy is the pc case.

My dad has an old Dell Dimension 9200 case from over ten years ago and doesn't want me to buy a new case. The case has a disk driver that doesn't work anymore. I was wondering if i should spen about $50 on a new case or just stick with the old one.

The Dimension 9200 is the same as the E520 in my sig. except it has room for full size video cards. With a QX6xxx Core2Extreme and Throttlestop software it can be overclocked quite a bit. But still it's a 65nm LGA775 machine. I'd make it run but that's just me it's up to you.
But it can produce results like this.
i wrote an article "Overclocking Dell BTX Computers" which was based on that basic technology. You might read it befor tossing that thing. I'd love to have one of those myself.