Old Computer Upgrade


Mar 18, 2015
Hello. I have an old PC Mobo model: P8H61-M LX R2.0 Processor: Intel Pentium G2010 Memory: DDR3 2GB. It is super slow. I am planning to upgrade memory into 4GB. Would it be faster than before or I need to upgrade CPU too. Thanks ahead.
well it can be fast but don't think it'll be much faster than before(difference but not much). I would say if you have budget than upgrade your CPU as i3 or i5 with 2gb ram will also be faster than Intel Pentium G2010, atlast it depends on your usage.
You can upgrade to to Ivy Bridge (i3/5/7 3xxx) series CPUs. would give you a nice boost. I recommend buying something like this - http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i33220

Might be cheap on ebay.

You will probably have to update your BIOS to support the i3 but it is quite easy.

- Put in your motherboard model here : http://www.service.asus.com/#!downloads/c1wax
- Choose your OS and select BIOS
- Choose the revision that add support for new CPUs (ver 1003)
- Download and install

Follow a guide for more info on flashing BIOS:


By the way does it say what revision your BIOS currently is? It may already support the i3 CPU :)


2gb memory is not enough even for basic tasks these days.
Depends on the OS you're running. If you're running 32-bit Windows, 1GB is the absolute minimum, with 2GB the "recommended", but you'll see better performance with 4GB.

If you're running 64-bit Windows, 2GB is the minimum to run...kind of like you could "run" Windows XP on 128MB (but it ran much better on 256 or even 512MB). 4GB is really the true "minimum" to get any kind of decent performance, and 8GB would be preferable.