Old CPU running on 100% for a long time


Jan 3, 2014
I have a Core2Duo E4400, very old, one of the first on the market. I have OC'ed it to by 20% (from 2.0 to 2.4, using the stock OC settings in the BIOS). Anyways, I tend to push it to 100% for a long time, sice I do a lot of rendering. Yes, I know that is OK and my temp stays in the 50-60°C range, but is that OK for a 5-6 year old CPU? The MB is the same age.( asus P5LD2 SE). Never had any problems with it, and hope I will never have :) Thanks in advance :)

max temp is 61c

id suggest upgrading that processor anyway

you can use speccy to find your motherboard google it and download the program

this is a fairly safe bet that it would work its released before your processor



just a suggestion of course