Old drive 2.5


Oct 3, 2011
my old .laptop drive packed up and wanted to know can i replace it with a more up to date one.
the latop is 1996 with windows 95 on it can i get a drive to replace this one
You just need a 2.5in IDE hard drive (not SATA).

You might want to pull the hard drive out and show it to where ever you buy a replacement. in some cases, the size can be an issue, but I wouldn't think so on that laptop brand that long ago.
Also, do not be surprised when your laptop does not recognize the new drive at full capacity. There have been a number of BIOS limitations over the years, and yours might be 512MB, 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB. The drive manufacturer might still have available software called a drive overlay which loads at boot up and allows the full capacity to be accessed.

One more thing: Win95 cannot format FAT32 partitions greater than 32GB.
:pt1cable: thanks for your feed back, it was very help full but i was wondering if you could help me more.
will a new drive with windows on when i boot it up will the bios let it run the softwear on the drive and will the drive auto run the windows to install it on my laptop becouse how do i get into dos to run it.
thanks cardboardman
Phil brought up an important factor. 1996 you will be very limited in the amount of space you can use.

Have you considered getting a newer laptop? Even from 2002, your looking at just a modest increase in cost over the hard drive itself, with the ability to run windows XP at least.