old freecell for win 10

It is, but I don't think the means to do so would be permitted discussion on Tomshardware. Worth noting that the MS Store version is pretty darn close - if you need the original, you'd have to google using predictable terms to find out how to do this, since I doubt Tom's would condone me giving you a direct link.

I don't think its the classic. to be more clear, original means the XP VERSION the difference is that xp version is not
drag and drop. thanks for your reply.

the difference is that the MS store version is DRAG AND DROP mode. the XP (original) version is just click click. Tom's has a page on it but it involves a lot of driver update stuff? theres some other people there, too looking to get that xp
version. I'm not the only one. I found that page via google predictable terms.
thanks for reply.


Okay so to answer this in absolute terms: Canadianvice is correct. There are topics that are not allowed here at Tom's Hardware, and for good reason even if its an old solitaire game. The only recommendation I can give is the first one I gave which in my opinion is the correct one. If you want the Win xp version you need xp
you can google "win 7 games for win 10" first link is to a great pack of all the win 7 versions of the games. not xp but still better than win 10 versions.

talk of piracy and support for pirated stuff is not allowed on toms but something like this is not piracy or related so it's ok. been talked about a lot here since win 10 came out with the ad filled apps.....

the winaero solution is the go to answer for win 7 versions :)

you used to be able to download the games from MS in the xp days but i assume they are gone from the download pages now. if you happen to have a copy of xp lying around you can simply copy the exe files from there and run them on win 10. easy solution for those older versions if you have a copy of xp lying around.

i still have the old Win entertainment pack from xp days i still enjoy playing here and there as well. old school tetris and lots of other fun games including various solitare versions they did not make free with windows like they do now.

edit: looking at the WEP folder i have, looks like the freecell version you want is included. perhaps you can find a copy of the whole windows entertainment pack that will have what you want. works fine on win 10 for me