Old games on Windows 10


Feb 17, 2016
Alright so I built my PC for mainly one thing and one thing only, to live in the past and play awesome old games like;

GTA Vice City,
GTA San Andreas,
Red Faction 1,
Red Faction 2,
Fallout New Vegas,
Fallout 3.

And because of the blasted Windows 10 anniversary update everything is broken, the main concern is Fallout New Vegas, to be honest I absolutely love that game but now as soon as I try to start a new game or load any game, it loads for a bit then just crashes.

It's really annoying, I've tried Data Execution Prevention, verifying the files through Steam, turning off AV and .ini edits.

Just everything breaks, so would there be anything else I could do to make old games work?

I was thinking I could dual boot with Windows 7 or something just to make all old games work, i'm a 90's guy, I need my old games! 😀

Thanks in advance :)

Yeah i've tried that too, I have actually started buying old games on xbox one, it's just annoying that its almost as though companies think people only want new stuff and completely disregard old stuff, I mean fallout NV is an absolute gem, i'm just going to buy all the DLC for xbox, there has to be a way to make it all work though right?

I would reinstall it but I don't have an internet connection at home yet other than tethering from my phone that has a 30GB data limit which is annoying, I would give it a go, but the amount of people that have started fiddling with Windows 10 that I have seen on this forum alone, it just gets really complicated. IT support is my full time job, not at home when I would rather be playing games 😀

But yes it would be worth a shot, this weekend i'll try more troubleshooting methods and if I get anywhere I'll update this post.