Old global vr arcade game not booting.. noob needs help

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Nov 6, 2016
I just got this slide it! arcade game and the PC is not booting up.. I was hoping that someone could walk me through some troubleshooting steps on how to fix this. I don't understand the computer speak that this thing is pumping out.
I believe that my problem is within this text: but I don't know what it's telling me!

The other error messages may result from the bad RAM. Or whatever is causing the "Out of memory" message.
Could be RAM, could be motherboard, could be something else.

Without dedicated test equipment, or known working parts...

A specialized, almost 20 year old, computer issue.

From your screenshot, it says "Out of Memory". That would point to a RAM issue.
So...what RAM is in there? Does it work? Is it replaceable?

Or, maybe the motherboard is shot where the RAM plugs into.
From what I can tell it looks like there are 2 ram chips in there. Both 168 pin sdram with one extra slot empty. I don't know how much ram there is, or how to tell. I thought the same thing when I saw the 'not enough memory thing' but at the same time how could that be? How can I erase some of it or make it smaller somehow? How can I find where to erase it from? If I get another ram chip and throw it in there won't I have to format it or something to tell it to work?

What about all the other error messages?
I was fully aware of its non working state when I bought it. I prefer to buy things broken. That's how you learn how to fix things, sometimes you have to enlist the help of experts of various fields.... which is why I'm here, on a PC forum

The other error messages may result from the bad RAM. Or whatever is causing the "Out of memory" message.
Could be RAM, could be motherboard, could be something else.

Without dedicated test equipment, or known working parts to swap in, it is near impossible to tell exactly where the fault is.

Try moving the RAM sticks around. See what happens.

IF the ram chips are at fault, probably.
But we have not determined that is the actual issue.

Probably is, but we do not know.
Also, you have to source the right ones. 168 pin SDRAM may be different timing, or too large a capacity that the motherboard (or the OS) cannot handle.

You need to try to source the original service manual for the motherboard. See what it can actually take.

Most likely oxidation on one or more pins. It's always a good idea to reseat all socketed chips on those old boards before applying power for the first time.
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