Old hard drive in new PC


Dec 24, 2014
So I just added another hardrive to my new pc to add space. I used sata connector and I booted it up. Windows started fine and in the computer section is said it had 232 gb of storage instead of 150 before. So That was fine. But when I looked at the free storage it was about the same. The hardrive had some old data on it I assume. Is there a way I can remove it or wipe it easily? Thanks
go to my computer and right click on your drive go down to format and click format. you want to format it in NTFS format.

another way you can do this is to go to start right click on my computer and click on manage, go down to storage then disk management and find your disk right click it and click format

I do not have access to the computer right now but I will tell you in the disk management thing is has the number 1 representing 1 drive and it shows I have 1 drive but the go of storage has boosted since I added the drive.