Old motherboard compatibility with a new case


Nov 15, 2015
I planned to upgreade my pc without replacing motherboard and cpu. When i tried to put everything togather i saw a major problem with pluging in fans and front panel. Basically, I can't plug in my fans and front panel(power switch, audio, fan controll and reset). They just don't fit in the motherboard. Are there any options besides buying another motherboard?

My motherboard is from dell optiplex 790. Picture: https://www.google.pl/search?q=motherboard+optiplex+790&safe=off&rlz=1C1AVNC_enPL593PL593&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIy-rvq7GSyQIVxr5yCh1YuwuQ#imgrc=ctYFLbbAnhJeKM%3A

My case (silentium pc gladius m35 pure black) pictures:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwl1TTnMkYNzZHBBMUN6V3VORGM/view?usp=sharing , https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwl1TTnMkYNzdUhFQTNLaVJLaVE/view?usp=sharing , fan : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwl1TTnMkYNzZk11eEgxNThkaG8/view?usp=sharing

Shop around for cable extensions or get a stardard atx motherboard because that dell was not built standard layout and will never fit a standard layout pc case without mods
Maybe if you had the original dell case you could cut and solder/insulate some wiring and connectors in if you can figure what's what on the motherboard pins.
Either way would take time , Mod wiring properly or new mobo to suit your cpu/ram and having to backup wanted stuff and reinstall windows, Because windows wont run with the new mobo. i would cut the wiring from the old case 10cm from the connector and solder them to the corresponding case wires with shrink wrap on each. But you don't want to get it wrong.
Actually i would just get the motherboard as i could get something of that era but better functions maybe and then I'm not making it any less than perfect :)

Thanks mate! i'm definitly going to try it. Sorry for this downvote. I accidently clicked on the wrong one(first hour on this forum). Anyways thanks again.