Old or just Broke?

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May 6, 2017
Hi everyone, this is my new thread so please, be gentle with me 😀
I have a problem but first of all I show you my laptop's informations:
- Intel Core i5 4210U CPU 1.70 GHz 1.70 GHz
- Ram 8 GB
- x64
- Windows10
- NVIDIA GeForce 820M
(if I forgot anything just tell me what)
Here' s my problem: I dont think that my laptop is kind of ''bad'', I think that its kind of (a little bit) good, I use mainly it for gaming, and since a while it became soo slow and bad, an example can be this: I'm playing (for example, because this problem is the same for every game) Overwatch, at the beginning or in a non-action gameplay like standing in front of a wall or doing anything that doenst take ''action'', is good, and I run the games at a good fps and permormance, but when I try to do anything, like shooting to the other guy or just by walking or runnig, the fps just flop, from 90 to 7-20 !!! I dont think my laptop is ''bad''by himself but i dont know why, sicne a while it became so slow and... hateful... would be anyone my hero? I tryied literally ANYTHING, i have all low (plus additionals commands on game's console), downloaded programs like cortex and many kind of thing in pc setting, anything.... thank you very much
8fps is horrid. Did it start that way, or drop to that while testing?
Might indicate that the system is set up to throttle the gpu when it reaches 82C.
Might be able to fix it with cleaning out the dust and applying fresh thermal paste.
Heat comes to mind. I've often rescued a laptop by disassembling it and giving it new thermal paste. Problem is merely in keeping track of the screws.
Assume you have an SSD? If not, then get one regardless.

yes that came in mind at me too, in fact today i tryed to open and clean it but no way, i ll try with the thermal paste but firts no i dont have any ssd second, i think that i m wrong, but i dont know why i remember that the ssd just boosts the startup and not the cpu or ram.... by the way thank going to try the paste.... so can be only this ? no other kind of problem?

which are more or less the standars for a good performance? and another question, what do you think about my laptop through its stats? i never had an expert thought about it...

It's fine, for a laptop. Laptops are never ideal for gaming, you'll always end up compromising. Unless we're talking laptops so large that I won't consider them laptops any more. 😉
Try stressing it with Furmark while watching the temperatures, then you should see if it throttles down to prevent any crashing or damage to the card due to heat.

ok done, just tried this FurMark, and it went (till 1000 frame i think) 82 C max... is that the issue?

are you talking during furmark's performance ? if yes, the answer is quite yes, because it had like 8 fps but fixed, didnt grow up and didnt decrase, just stood at 8 fps... as you said and I think, has no thermal issue cause 82 C max is not that bad ( as you said) and the fan doesnt any bruise... omg neeed heeeeeelp ;(
8fps is horrid. Did it start that way, or drop to that while testing?
Might indicate that the system is set up to throttle the gpu when it reaches 82C.
Might be able to fix it with cleaning out the dust and applying fresh thermal paste.
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