I am building my mom a computer out of my old parts and her even older dell parts.
I am using:
asus 650i board
nvidia 7950gt
patriot viper 2 gb ddr2800
All of which are perfectly working. I just bought a new power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817339012 which i jumped to test and that also works perfectly. The problem im getting is that when its powered on it reaches the boot menu but when i press delete to enter the BIOS it doesnt enter. Im thinking the problem lies with the fact that her old HDD is being used and it still has everything on it from when her old computer died. Is this causing the issue? I figured it would just load up XP and everything would be on there perfectly fine. She didnt want to lose any of her data on the HDD so thats why i didnt reformat it. If i do need to reformat i havent had to do that in forever and i dont remember so what is the process in a few steps to refresh me?
I am using:
asus 650i board
nvidia 7950gt
patriot viper 2 gb ddr2800
All of which are perfectly working. I just bought a new power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817339012 which i jumped to test and that also works perfectly. The problem im getting is that when its powered on it reaches the boot menu but when i press delete to enter the BIOS it doesnt enter. Im thinking the problem lies with the fact that her old HDD is being used and it still has everything on it from when her old computer died. Is this causing the issue? I figured it would just load up XP and everything would be on there perfectly fine. She didnt want to lose any of her data on the HDD so thats why i didnt reformat it. If i do need to reformat i havent had to do that in forever and i dont remember so what is the process in a few steps to refresh me?