Old PC recently refurbished gets bottle necked ?


Oct 17, 2010
I remember asking this forum on advice and components on building my first PC. That was seven years ago. About the time the first gen i5's came out. That PC died a long time ago and I moved on to bigger and better things.
I recently decided to refurbish that PC and found out that there was something wrong with the RAM slots on the motherboard. I got a new motherboard. E-sonic I think was the brand. It was the only one still available I could find locally with the H55 chipset. A new SSD for the OS, new RAM, and a few hours later I got it to boot up. I installed the GPU drivers and started up DOTA 2.

Here are the specs:
Processor : i5 760
GPU : HD 7770
RAM : 4GB DDR3 1333 MHz
PSU : Zebronics 500 W... That's bad I know
Case : Coolermaster something....

I expected DOTA 2 to give me a solid 60 FPS with decent settings at 1600 x 900 resolution. But I cant seem to go beyond 45 - 50 FPS no matter how low I turn down the settings. Then I noticed that even dialing down the resolution didn't increase my framerate.
Then I noticed the CPU utilization at 100% when the game was on. I saw the i5 760 handling much better GPUs and more demanding games without any issue.

Is my CPU being a bottleneck ? Or is there something else causing my bad frame rate ?

More like - bad contact with cooler or cooler fan has died.

Oh. If you're reusing old intel stock cooler, then probably black push pins are not turned into correct orientation.
Install Msi Afterburner and turn OSD on to see cpu and gpu usage.
If your cpu is at 100% and your gpu is not even close to 100%, you will be shure it is the cpu bottlenecking it.
Also check your Ram usage just in case, although I think 4Gb would be enough for Dota2..

Ok, I did that and I noticed that CPU shoots up to 100% as soon as I go in-game. And another odd thing was CPU temperature at idle is around 90 degrees and shoots up to 99 degrees in-game. I'm assuming that's where the problem lies. Bad thermal paste possibly??