Question Old PC-What should I upgrade CPU VS GPU


Feb 6, 2016
Hello, Right now I have a pc with a i5-3470 with a gtx 770 and 8gb ddr3 ram.
Since I currently dont have alot of money a friend of mine offered me a deal on his 5 year old I7 4770k + z87 asus maximus formula vi for 200-250€
Should i go for that or with the same money buy a new gpu?(prolly a Gtx 1660?)
Wich would give me more performance increase considering I game on 1080p.
Thank You!
With the cost of the newer Ryzen 5 CPUs I would not spend 200 on a 5+ yr old CPU even if it's an i7. A new Ryzen 5 2600 with motherboard and RAM will not be much more than the used i7, which may be a much better thing to do. I would get an RX 580 or 590 for about $200 now for your system and then another $300 or so for a new CPU/Mobo and RAM combo. Make sure you do a BIOS update before swapping cards. While 200 is not a bad deal for a CPU and high end motherboard that you can use your RAM on, a Ryzen 5 2600 for $150, a decent motherboard for $80 and some fast DDR4 RAM for another $80 will get you a new system.