Old Pentium IV system won't run any boot drive whatsoever...


I've got an old pentium IV system to "salvage" for my auntie (no I'm not joking), unfortunately the problem is that it simply will not boot any system drive whatsoever.

Mehanically there isn't anything wrong with it, but it completely skips all boot drives and goes into windows... which is a wreck and won't even load in safemode. It has boot priorities, which might as well be BIOS decoration. It does not even go to the point where it would be checking the drive to see if there is an installation disk or flash drive inserted.

It will not run a windows installation drive from a CD and it will not run from USB, it simply is as if they don't exist. And yes, these options are present in the boot menu, but the bios doesn't have the option of manually selecting the the boot drive upon launch.

I would like to emphasize that I have done this dozens of times already and I have always managed to boot with either one medium or the other. I have also checked the functionality of the components and aside from the removed floppy drive, everything is working!

How could I salvage the situation, or should I start looking towards the trash bin and scold my aunt for being a pack rat?:??:
Just a shot in the dark, but are the cables in good shape? If it's old enough to be PATA, are the jumpers on the drives set right? I assume you've checked, it's just not mentioned.

That's really the only thing I can think of other than it's just knackered and needs to be put out of it's misery.

If it would be cables, or improper jumper configuration, then the USB option would have worked, since I've plugged it into both front panel and rear. By the way, cables are doubled, both the HDD and CD-ROM are their own separate masters. I was also thinking USB damage, but the USB keyboard seems to be working just fine!

And the CD device has already been tested along with the cables.

No clue man, some ancient ASUS micro-atx equivalent thing, brand and model markings are decayed and unreadable but the CPU is Pentium IV 2400MHz, and there are 2 memory sticks, quantity unknown, the stickers are faded, and I didn't bother to check the quantity of memory in BIOS.

Surely you guys find my effort as amusing as I do, my 5 year old phone has more power than that... but auntie is adamant!:lol:
It is sadly amusing, especially since the markings are degraded when there really isn't a reason for that to happen. Where was it stored? Or was it in active service up until it was needing repair? Either way sounds like something in the BIOS went to hell.

As far as booting to USB, is it possible that this thing is so old that boot to USB isn't supported?