Old School Operating Systems

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Dec 5, 2009
I wasn't sure where to post this (but i do own windows 7 😛 ), so Mods, feel free to move this thread.

I've always been interested in computers, and I have decided to make it my career choice, however only recently have i acquired a deep interest in computer history.

I'm going to get to the point. I would very much like to try out the old school operating systems like MS-DOS, Windows 1.0-3.1 and even the old Mac OS'.

So, how would i go about doing this? I doubt i can just install those OS' on my current rig, or maybe i can...i dont know. Is there like some sort of emulator i could use? Or do i need to get a hold of a really old computer first? I think i have my dads old windows 95 in the basement somewhere.

Any tips for a fellow enthusiast?

thanks in advance
VMWare, Windows Virtual PC, or Sun Virtualbox are all possibilities. Once you have the virtual machine up and running, you can install any old OS on it.

I suggest you buy a Microsoft Technet subscription. For $199 you can legally grab every Microsoft OS from DOS onwards, plus lots of other software (including Virtual PC 😀 ).

Whoah that's pretty neat!

I'll check that out thanks!

Aside from ms and mac os' are there anyother important retro operating systems I should try?
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