[SOLVED] old server pc components


Jan 19, 2017
i am trying to build a server pc, the problem is that i do not know what processor(s) and motherboard to use. this build is just going to be for fun, to stream and possibly store files. i would like two processors. the aim is to have dual xeons with at least twelve (12) cores overall.
thankyou in advance for investing your time :)
Best bet then, look and Amazon and also see if there are PC refurbishers in your area. For work recently, we bought a couple of servers from Amazon for about 800ish each for the purpose of using them for hyper v.

If I remember right, they came with 128gb of ram, 12 cores (24 threads-dual Xeon CPUs). 12tb drive space (if you ran raid 0).

For us those work great, but might be overkill for you. And they are each mount. However, I seem to remember all kinds of other options that were less. I would look into that route. Also, you could probably find a ryzen 5 or ryzen 7 and build something.
Server chassis are noisy. If this is going to be in a garage or basement, you could use a 2U server chassis. If not, you should look at a workstation chassis. They have similar motherboards but the workstations have larger cases so the fans can be larger and lower RPM. That makes them quieter. HP Z800, Dell T7500 or similar.

noise is not an issue, just need an oldish server :)
Best bet then, look and Amazon and also see if there are PC refurbishers in your area. For work recently, we bought a couple of servers from Amazon for about 800ish each for the purpose of using them for hyper v.

If I remember right, they came with 128gb of ram, 12 cores (24 threads-dual Xeon CPUs). 12tb drive space (if you ran raid 0).

For us those work great, but might be overkill for you. And they are each mount. However, I seem to remember all kinds of other options that were less. I would look into that route. Also, you could probably find a ryzen 5 or ryzen 7 and build something.

i found the:
cpus: https://www.ebay.com/itm/SLBV7-Intel-Xeon-X5670-2-93GHz-Six-Core-AT80614005130AA-Processor/202482269084?epid=82112496&hash=item2f24e23b9c:g:llgAAOSw5YNZus67:rk:13😛f:0#rwid
mobo: https://www.ebay.com/itm/X8DTU-F-Supermicro-Sever-Board-Dual-Intel-CPU-LGA-1366-DDR3-Sockets/352424127499?hash=item520e1d6c0b:g:xOIAAOSwTOtbaE6v:rk:7😛f:0&frcectupt=true
ram: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-RAM-1GB-2GB-4GB-DDR2-DDR3-Desktop-Memory-RAM-DIMM-Intel-CPU-240Pin-Samsung/132426515500?hash=item1ed53c442c:m:m1bXLdMyDD2JL0uGwySuYTQ:rk:2😛f:0
plus cpu coolers and a 700 watt psu all on ebay for under 300 bucks aud