Y yuval98 Reputable Apr 7, 2015 8 0 4,510 Jul 7, 2015 #1 Im looking for an old small cases like dell optiplex 755, that i can fit newer itx or matx(soket 1150 and upwards or any amd eqvialant) motherbards.
Im looking for an old small cases like dell optiplex 755, that i can fit newer itx or matx(soket 1150 and upwards or any amd eqvialant) motherbards.
Solution Wisecracker Jul 7, 2015 Your local dump. Most have a section reserved for electronics. Don't make a mess, and obey all local rules. Look for 10yr old HP 'BTX' mid towers. Old Dell stuff uses some proprietary parts and chassis.
Your local dump. Most have a section reserved for electronics. Don't make a mess, and obey all local rules. Look for 10yr old HP 'BTX' mid towers. Old Dell stuff uses some proprietary parts and chassis.
PrivilegeYT Distinguished Dec 14, 2014 308 3 19,110 Jul 7, 2015 #2 Just rock out with this http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CtwOEcS6cVfr_K5CvfNyVioAO8umM4waK2I6Q7wHSgsyAgAMIBhAHKAhgyc7Fi8Sk4BCgAeb35dkDyAEHqgQkT9CQrJtbyf4JCiCT47fsVJwt5UiZdnNvJY2nFMK9zcC4rXoNwAUFoAYmgAeCiJomiAcBkAcCqAeiwhuoB6a-G9gHAeASpMmR85rtpMJc&sig=AOD64_3aTwViYent10kyhoGeK6dET0wggA&ctype=5&clui=14&rct=j&q=&ved=0CLUBEPQO&adurl=http://www.directron.com/csgm02lf.html%3Fgsear%3D1 Upvote 0 Downvote
Just rock out with this http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CtwOEcS6cVfr_K5CvfNyVioAO8umM4waK2I6Q7wHSgsyAgAMIBhAHKAhgyc7Fi8Sk4BCgAeb35dkDyAEHqgQkT9CQrJtbyf4JCiCT47fsVJwt5UiZdnNvJY2nFMK9zcC4rXoNwAUFoAYmgAeCiJomiAcBkAcCqAeiwhuoB6a-G9gHAeASpMmR85rtpMJc&sig=AOD64_3aTwViYent10kyhoGeK6dET0wggA&ctype=5&clui=14&rct=j&q=&ved=0CLUBEPQO&adurl=http://www.directron.com/csgm02lf.html%3Fgsear%3D1
Wisecracker Splendid Jan 15, 2007 8,103 17 31,965 Jul 7, 2015 Solution #3 Your local dump. Most have a section reserved for electronics. Don't make a mess, and obey all local rules. Look for 10yr old HP 'BTX' mid towers. Old Dell stuff uses some proprietary parts and chassis. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Your local dump. Most have a section reserved for electronics. Don't make a mess, and obey all local rules. Look for 10yr old HP 'BTX' mid towers. Old Dell stuff uses some proprietary parts and chassis.